A New Project!

Hello. I hope you’re all doing ok in these very strange and difficult times. It’s been a while since I last posted and perhaps one or two of you might be wondering what’s going on, so I thought I’d write an update to put you in the picture.

A few months ago I was asked by writer/lyricist friend of mine if I’d be interested in being involved in a collaboration where I put the music to her lyrics for a project that was already underway.

The story of how it all came about and how it’s evolved is a bit convoluted and I’ll save that for another time but, long story short, we have embarked on the making of an album which will hopefully see the light of day later this year. It is definitely NOT a Groovy Uncle record and will be released under a different band name.

Such is the nature of attempting to record an album in these weird and crazy times,I’m doing most of the instrumental parts and vocals myself, and I’m working remotely with a really good, professional session drummer. 

I’ve never worked on this type of collaboration or in this way before and I wasn’t entirely sure I’d be able to do justice to the lyrics but I gave it a go and it seems to be working out very well. I knew at the start that this was going to be a little out of my comfort zone so I decided to take the bull by the horns and just go for it and I even wrote most of the songs  on the piano, whereas I usually write on guitar. It’s certainly been a very positive, interesting and fun experience so far and I’m looking forward to telling you more about it as and when.

So that’s why I haven’t posted here or recorded any new podcasts for a while-I’ve just been really busy!

I will keep you updated on the new project and any other news…but for now, that’s about it!

Thanks, take care and be good to each other!